Md. Max

The deputy crown prince Muhammad Bin Salman has been promoted to a crown prince whom many predicted over the few months in the line to the next to the throne .

A royal decree appointed Mohammed bin Salman crown prince and deputy prime minister. He retains the defense, oil and other portfolios.

The decision has been one of the finest and it is accepted by all classes of people from home and abroad, as it is a wise and timely choice by the allegiance council, so the credit and thanks go to the respected body for selecting him for the future king of Saudi Arabia and the future custodian of two holy mosques.

The royal decree said the decision by King Salman to promote his son and consolidate his power was endorsed by 31 out of 34 members of the Allegiance Council, made up of senior members of the ruling Al Saud family.

Muhammad Bin Salman who was born in 1985 is the grandson of the first king of third Saudi state , Ibn Saud.

Ibn Saud died in 1953.

Muhammad Bin Salman’s rise came to fame when he became the youngest Saudi defense minister and the head of the royal court.

He is one of the backers of ‘ vision 2030’ .

Muhammad Bin salman is a great inspiration for the young generation and he also reminds us the great Mughal emperor Babar, who ascended to the power at the age of 15.

The great challenge of Muhammad Bin Salman also contributed us to recall the event that, at the age of 22, the great scantiest Newton discovered binomial theorem and at the age of 26 Einstein wrote four papers which changed the world and Muhammad Bin Salman’s eagerness to lead the nation reminds us of his uncle, former Saudi king Faisal who became a royal delegate at the age of 14!

Muhammad Bin Salman is well known for his great endeavor, his political wisdom, his bold steps of reforms toward the conservative Saudi societies and his farsightness in many occasions.

He is one of the leading figures in the kingdom who tried to bring changes for establishing more modern societies by keeping its culture and religious practices intact.

At the tender age, he had completed couple of important meetings , such an instance, he met with both American presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump where he showed his great foreign policy that paved the ways to establish peace across the globe and tremendous initiatives to fight against the terrorism.

Many came to the facts that, Muhammad Bin Salman is a true and genius leader as he can keep his nerve ‘cool’ under extreme pressures and a modern reformist who can lead a nation free from violence, extremism, terrorism and at the same time, he is considered is a man of extreme talents who has incredible capabilities to serve Islam for the greater benefits of all . This is what is one of the main goals, to serve Islam .

To be appointed as a crown prince of an important country, the most sacred place on the earth, the birth place of Islam, one of the most oil exporting countries and the most humanitarian responding country, Saudi Arabia, is a great, risky and hard task to be inflicted upon him.

But for utmost surprise he successfully did his responsibilities and his commitments, with great care, with intellectuality, with determination, with hopes and dedication.

A tiny instance is enough to understand his caliber, Before the last US election President Donald Trump on his debates wrongfully criticized Saudi Arabia, later Muhammad Bin Salman visited the USA and convinced the president to understand which was his mistake and made him agreed to visit Saudi Arabia, this is something great that, at the age of 30, he showed his great political diplomacy.

Although some must confess that , these kinds of majestic diplomatic techniques have been inherited by them from his grandfather Ibn Saud who had been known to be a cunning politicians , who chose a careful option for the oil concession at the beginning of oil boom in the kingdom , until later the discovery of oil has changed entire Saudi Arabia economically , politically and socially .

The discoveries of oil, also gave the Muslim Ummah a great opportunities in every part of the world in the kingdom let alone the expats from the rest of the world, where a single country like Bangladesh, has been earning millions of remittances every month from the 1.5 million people who have been living in Saudi Arabia comfortably for years.

A stalwart, smart, handsome and intellectual Muhammad Bin Salman has to go a long way to serve his country, his neighbors, Islam and the entire world.

Because, the importance of Saudi Arabia has been increasing day by day for kingdom’s keeping efforts to establish the peace in Middle East and the rest of the world magnificently , the kingdom is serving Islam with a solid way it can , the kingdom putting its best initiatives to fight against the terrorism and radicalization , the kingdom is responding to the humanitarian crisis, the kingdom deals strongly for the betterment of refugees, who have sundry problems and the kingdom providing the enormous facilities to the pilgrims.

The rest of the Saudi princess and the people of Saudi Arabia showed great allegiance to him as soon as he has been promoted to a crown prince , among the princes, the deputy crown prince Muhammad bi Naif , his cousin.

It also probes, how peace loving Saudi people and how friendly, open minded and cordial the princes are, among themselves.

This is why Saudi Arabia is one of the happiest countries in the world and the safest places on the earth.

The writer is the English correspondent of

We wish Muhammad Bin Salman good luck, we wish him good future and our prayers are with him and we expect him to be a dedicated soul for Islam and Muslim Ummah like his predecessors. We want him to be an iconic man for the whole world by removing the conflicts among the nations.

Let me end here with a funny story that has been pondering in my mind.

While visiting United States. the founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg met the crown prince , later we have been heard that , Mark is thinking to be involved in politics , was he inspired by our crown prince who is next to the succession , I wonder!.